At Villa Clementina we want to continue looking with wonder and wonder and with attention.
Villa Clementina created a framework to look outside of the box.

Growth and change is what we strive for.Villa Clementina created a framework to look outside of the box. Thinking inside of the box is never far away in our society. Even in the healthcare sector historically grown structures often impede change, while we strive for change and growth. Rules are needed, but above all else we want to think in a flexible manner and search for creative solutions. At Villa Clementina we want to continue looking with wonder and attention, with an open and non-judgmental mind.

Villa Clementina
A safe environment where every child can be and bloom
A warm home where every person can be and grow
A source of inspiration
Because it is possible!

FreedomTo be yourself, to develop your talents, to accept your own limits
To colour the world, within and- if possible- also outside the lines
To question the world and ourselves
Because we both give and receive confidence.
To believe in possibilities and talents
Helping us to find strenght and energy and pass it on
To respect both limitations and talents, especially in difficult moments
Forever looking for a win-win situation.

Daring to perceive things differently
Nnot afraid to fall- or to jump- and getting up again
Daring to think and act out-of-the-box.
With envy for life
With a hearth for life
Engaging in the life of others
To love!